Board Meeting Minutes for 08-12-2019
Approved Minutes
Town of Reedsburg
Monday, August 12, 2019 @ 7:30 Pm
Town Board Monthly Meeting
PRESENT: C. Mundth E. Borleske, P. Grosskrueger, R. Meyer, L. Borleske
ALSO PRESENT: Clark Thompson, Gene Kempfer, Dick Fish, Chad Allen, David Allen, Gary Roohr-Hyzer, Rebecca Klitzke, Lawrence Mundth, Dennis Connors, Terri Connors, Karl Hoffmann
- Town Board monthly meeting called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:30 pm.
- R. Meyer certified that the meeting met the criteria of open meetings law.
- Motion made by P. Grosskrueger seconded by E. Borleske to adopt agenda. Motion Carried.
- Anyone wishing to speak that is not on the agenda. Larry Mundth mentioned that he had concerns about repairing the Thieman Hill Road repairs with foundry sand. Gary Roohr-Hyzer mentioned that he had concerns about repairing the Thieman Hill Road repairs with foundry sand. Gary mentioned that there are other neighbors that also have the same concerns. Dennis Connors spoke regarding the safety of the use of foundry sand. Clark Thompson noted that Thieman Hill Road was repaired by using soil from the ditch on the opposite side of the road.
- Motion made by E. Borleske, seconded by P. Grosskrueger to approve the minutes from July as corrected. Motion carried.
- L. Borleske gave an update on Plan Commission meeting. There was a not a meeting in July. The next meeting would be August 26 if there is anything for the agenda. There are a couple of issues that need to be addressed. Mary Ahlstrom called about getting her well testing results from the AAM (Grede). L. Borleske checked into the testing from the county, the county contacted AAM (Grede). Testing was not done on the Ahlstrom well. AAM is not compliance with the conditions of the conditional us Permit. Per Sauk County they will have the until October to test the well to bring it to Compliance.
- Discussion on Town Website.The Town website has gone live and can be accessed at . There isn’t a lot on there yet but it is a work in progress.
- Discussion on Meeting posting requirements Resolution. A few changes were noted such as to still post a small meeting notices in the paper and notate that the agenda can be found on the website and the front door of the Town Hall.
- Discussion on changes of ATV / UTV ordinance to be presented at Public Hearing in September. R. Meyer read the proposed Final ATV / UTV ORDINANCE. Town Board members made few changes to the ordinance that will be presented at the Public Hearing on September 9.
- Discussion on Levy Limit Increase. Carl Mundth mentioned facts regarding our financial situation. July 3 culvert has been taken out - $10,000. Equipment failure (Town pickup has over 100,000 miles - $35,000 - $45,000 ) (Arm mower - $8,950) (Farhner is doing road work - $38,000 for chip sealing) (2 - Garage doors need to be replaced - $9,000) (Plow Truck needs seal fixed - $2,000) (Sander needs to be fixed ($3,000) and Town Hall repairs (lighting, floor, windows unknown costs). We have been approved for TRIP Program funds from 2 years ago and we don’t have the funds to cover the initial cost so there is money for the town that may be forfeited, culverts need to be replaced, ditching needs to be done. $1500 for black top on Thiemann Hill Road wash out. Town of Reedsburg Mill Rate is $15.08. Town of Reedsburg is second least of other area towns. If we raise the mill rate $1 per $1,000 of assessed value that would bring in $100,000 more to the Town. For a $150,000 assessed property, it would increase that property owner taxes $150. Motion by P. Grosskrueger, seconded by C. Mundth, to have a public hearing to propose an increase of $1.00 per $1,000 of assessed value. Roll Call vote: P. Grosskrueger - Yay, E. Borleske - Yay, C. Mundth - Yay. Unanimous vote, Motion carried.
- Discussion on DOT 75% Cost Share for emergency Road repairs on Thiemann Hill Road. C. Mundth presented paperwork and application for Disaster Damage Aids Petition. Motion made by E. Borleske, seconded by P. Grosskrueger, to adopt a petition to apply for the DOT 75% Cost Share for Emergency Road repairs on Thiemann Hill Road. Motion carried.
- Discussion on boom mower @ St. Joe’s Equipment. This is a used boom mower that cost $8,950. This would reach many areas that Clark currently maintains these areas with a chain saw. The Town Board would like to wait on approval on this purchase until our financial situation is in better condition. Brand new these machines are $25,000.
- Assessor report given by Becky Meyer - Holloway appraisal issued invoice
- Ambulance Report give by Becky Meyer; notes taken by David Allen - basically a notation of funds that the Ambulance Commission currently have as assets.
- Board of Appeals report given by Chad Allen - A couple wanted to build a garage. This was approved.
- Highway report given by Clark Thompson
Old Ironton Rd wash outs were taken care of, Dan Peterson and Carl helped with transporting Clark and Equipment.
Ditch material out from one side of the road and put on the other side of the road on Theimann Hill Road to patch in the washed out from July 3rd by Roger Engels farm.
South Slope had a wash out that has been fixed about 4 times this year. This was fixed again with concrete this time.
Wash machine and Dryer and couple TV’s and garbage were thrown on Thiemann Hill Road.
A truck load of carpeting was left behind the Town Hall as garbage. - Building Inspection Report: Building permits issued by GEC - by R Meyer
No Permits were issue in July - Chairman / Supervisor Reports:
P. Grosskrueger- Nothing at this time
E. Borleske – Nothing at this time
C. Mundth- received a phone call from a town resident in favor of the Town of Reedsburg levy limit to be increased to fix our roads, replace equipment and repair building. - R. Meyer presented the monthly bills to be paid. Checks will be held for Ray Zobel and Holloway until we receive the August settlement. Motion made by P. Grosskrueger seconded by E. Borleske to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.
- Treasurer Report: Given by Linda Borleske
Deposit - $130.00 ($100.00 - Hall Rent, $11.00 - GEC / Building permits, $19.00 - Private Sales)
Town Board monthly meetings: Sept 9, Oct 14, Nov 11 & Dec 9 @7:30 pm
Town Board Public Hearing - September 9 @ 7:30
Plan Commission -August 26@ 7:30 pm - Anything else reasonably related to the agenda. Thursday, August 15 WTA Meeting was mentioned.
- Motion by E. Borleske, second by P. Grosskrueger to adjourn the monthly Town Board Meeting at 10:17 pm. Motion carried.
Respectively Submitted,
Rebecca L Meyer
Town of Reedsburg Clerk