Board Meeting Minutes for 05-10-2021
Approved Minutes
Town of Reedsburg
Monday, May 10, 2021
Town Board Monthly meeting @ 7:30 pm
PRESENT: Chairperson-Carl Mundth, Supervisor I-Rebecca Klitzke, Supervisor II-Chad Allen, Clerk-Rebecca Meyer, Treasurer-Kathy Schwartz
ALSO, PRESENT: Clark Thompson, Terri Connors Dennis Connors, Richard Blakeslee, Linda Borleske, Kathy Grosskrueger, Tiernee Filus, Jason Genord, Will Christensen (7:40), Neil Pfaff (7:45), Pat Anderson (7:53).
- Town Board Monthly Meeting Called to order at 7:30 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance
- Clerk R. Meyer certified that the meeting met the criteria of open meetings law by being on the town website and on the door of the town hall.
- Agenda was reviewed. Motion by Klitzke / Allen to adopt agenda with striking the “read and” in items 4 & 5. Motion carried.
- The minutes were reviewed from the April meeting. Motion by Klitzke / Allen to approve minutes with minor changes. Motion carried.
- The minutes were read from the Road Tour. Motion by Allen / Klitzke to approve road tour minutes with minor changes. Motion carried.
- Anyone wishing to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda. Nothing at this time.
- Plan Commission Chairperson, T. Connors, gave an update on the Plan Commission meeting. There was a Plan Commission meeting on April 26 @ 7:30pm. We nominated our Plan Commission Vice-Chair as Carl Mundth and I appointed Becky Meyer as Secretary for the Plan Commission. We had 2 CSM’s and a Condition Use Permit renewal. All three of these are on the Town Board agenda and have been recommended for approval from the Plan Commission. We currently don’t have anything for the agenda but if something would come up that meeting date will be on May 24th @ 7pm – please note that the Plan Commission will be meeting at 7pm going forward. Introduction on Tiernee Filus in place of her Husband Matt Filus
- Tiernee Filus representing Matt Filus, Wisconsin Professional Land Surveyor, for a 13.4-acre CSM located in the NE ¼ - NE ¼, Section 1, T12N, R4E, Town of Reedsburg in the Copper Creek subdivision off Horkan Road. Owner of property is Tyler Meister. This has been presented at the Plan Commission and approval of this CSM has been recommended to the Town Board. Motion by Klitzke / Allen to approve the CSM. Motion Carried
- Richard Blakeslee, Blakeslee Land Surveying, for a 1-acre CSM located in the SW ¼ - SW ¼, Section 9, T12N, R4E, Town of Reedsburg at E5724 County Trunk Highway K. Owners of said lands are Donald and Betty Davis. Motion by Allen / Klitzke to approve CSM. Motion Carried.
- Neil Pfaff, Vierbicher, representing Grede, LLC, requesting a renewal of a Conditional Use Permit to continue operation of sanitary landfill site located in Section 23, T12N, R4E, Town of Reedsburg, off Ski Hill Rd. There will be a public hearing at Sauk County on July 27 @ 9 am on the 3rd floor of the West Square Building. There are 3 private wells that are required to have annual water tests from the DNR. These 3 wells are the properties of Pat & Lisa Farber located at E6878 Ski Hill Road, Ed Stolte located at E6790 Ski Hill Rd and Derek Olson located at E6718A Ski Hill Rd. There are 6 other wells that have been added to the private well testing as a condition from the Town of Reedsburg in 2016. The land owners of these wells have been contacted and asked if they wish to continue their wells to be tested. Five of the Six landowners replied with a yes and one of the six landowners replied with a no for continued well testing. Neil Pfaff requested that the additional 5 wells that are not required by the DNR to have a standard test instead of the DNR required extensive test. The standard test would still consist of safe drinking water testing. Linda Borleske spoke about the history of the Conditional Use Permit. Kathy Grosskrueger spoke about personal issues not related to the to the renewal of the Conditional Use Permit. Jason Genord, manager of the landfill, spoke regarding the landfill and the additional testing and mentioned the landfill has several wells that are tested regularly and that would be the first cause of alarm if something wasn’t up to code. Motion by Mundth / Klitzke to recommend extension of Conditional Use Permit for Grede Foundry sanitary landfill to Sauk County with the following conditions. Grede Foundry to continue water testing for the 3 required wells (Olson, Stolte & Farber) as well as 5 non required private wells (Pace, Coy, Schutz, Ahlstrom & Larson). Grede will provide safe drinking water tests for these 5 non required wells and NR500 test for 3 required wells. Tests to occur one time annually (in October), reported annually to Will Christenson at Sauk County no later than December 31 of each year. County is responsible to report all results to private well owners listed above. Roll Call Vote: Mundth – AYE, Klitzke – AYE, Allen – AYE. Motion Carried.
- Sealed bids were opened for 2021 aggregate material from Zobel & Sons. Motion by Allen / Klitzke to accept the Zobel bids. Motion Carried. Sealed bids were opened for 2021 road project work from Scott Construction of $123,849.10 from Gasser Construction of $125,370.00 with a better warm mix. Clark recommended the quality work that Gasser does is worth the extra $1,500 with the sheepsfoot roller technique and the warm mix vs. hot mix. The two companies will be doing two completely different processes. Motion by Klitzke / Allen to accept the Gasser Construction Bid. Roll Call Vote: Mundth – Aye, Klitzke – Aye, Allen – Aye. Motion carried.
- Discussion on possible bridge inspection on Prairie View Drive. The bridge should be posted for lighter weight limits. Motion by Klitzke / Allen to research costs for inspection done for the bridge on Prairie View Drive. Motion carried.
- Discussion regarding current rate of compensation for part-time employees. Currently part-time helpers are receiving $12 per hour. Dan Peterson and Miquel Ruiz are currently helping Clark with periodic two-man projects. Motion by Allen / Klitzke to raise the part-time helpers to $15 per hour. Motion carried
- Assessor report by Clerk R. Meyer. Bob from Holloway appraisal agreed to move the Board of Review time frame to 6pm – 8pm on June 24.
- Highway report given by Clark Thompson.
v Took dump box to Madison on Friday to be mounted on the New Truck. It should be ready in about 5 weeks.
v A package was received for the DOT. Kathy Schwartz will take care of it.
v The rear seal is leaking on the Orange truck. This should be fixed before we sell it to Gary. The seal is ordered from LaFarge and Clark will take it to Night Owl when the seal is received.
v The White truck needs breaks.
v Received Tire quotes for prices on rear Tractor tires. Motion by Allen / Klitzke to get the tires from Don’s Tire, Highland, WI. Motion Carried.
- Building Inspector Report: Building permits issued by GEC – report given by Clerk Meyer
v Dan Mundth @ E5009 Coon Valley Dr for Electric Service – Shed
v Harlan Olson @ E5017 Coon Valley Dr for Electric Service – Shed
v Todd Erdman @ E7167 Junction Rd for kitchen remodel
- Supervisors and Chairperson Reports:
v C. Allen - Supervisor II – Wisconsin Towns Meeting on May 20th @ 7pm at Westfield Town Hall in Loganville.
v R. Klitzke – Supervisor I – Nothing at this time
v C. Mundth – Chairperson – Received a phone call about the Weed Ordinance of Garlic Mustard that is highly invasive. This is a noxious weed. Sat in on a zoom meeting about the city water tower being drained across a private land owner property. Also, sat in on Tony Kurtz zoom meeting about broadband and stimulus money.
- Clerk R. Meyer presented Monthly Bills to be paid. Motion by Klitzke / Allen to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.
v Clerk Meyer explained the Board of Review needs to be called to order after the 4th Monday in April but within 45 days of that date. This has to be done before June 10th. If we could change our TB meeting to June 7th, we could accommodate this or we will have to meet another time. This has to be posted 15 days prior to the call to order meeting date then we can adjourn to the actual date set. Consensus to change the TB meeting date to June 7th.
- Treasurer Report: Given by Treasurer K. Schwartz
v Deposit - $277.32 for Personal property Aid
v Deposit - $1,613.72 ($1,408 - Bridge Aids, $85.72 - PILT, $20 - Dog license, $100 - Hall Rent)
v DOT will continue to rent the hall starting back in July if the social distancing is done.
v Town Board meetings: June 7, July 12 & August 9 @ 7:30 pm
v Open Book – June 17 from 5pm – 7pm, Board of Review – June 24 from 6pm – 8pm
v Plan Commission – May 24 @ 7:00.
- Motion by Klitzke / Allen to adjourn the monthly Town Board Meeting at 10:17 pm. Motion carried.
Respectively Submitted,
Rebecca L Meyer
Town of Reedsburg Clerk,(608)524-3999