Board Meeting Minutes for 07-12-2021
Approved Minutes
Town of Reedsburg
Monday, July 12, 2021
Town Board Monthly meeting @ 7:00 pm
PRESENT: Chairperson-Carl Mundth, Supervisor I-Rebecca Klitzke, Supervisor II-Chad Allen, Clerk-Rebecca Meyer, Treasurer-Kathy Schwartz
ALSO, PRESENT: Terri Connors, William Waser
- Town Board Monthly Meeting Called to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance
- Clerk R. Meyer certified that the meeting met the criteria of open meetings law by being on the town website and on the door of the town hall.
- Agenda was reviewed. Motion by Klitzke / Allen to adopt agenda. Motion carried.
- The minutes were reviewed from the May meeting. Motion by Allen / Klitzke to approve minutes with minor changes. Motion carried.
- Anyone wishing to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda. William Waser spoke regarding mowing the grass at the Bird Conservatory. He snipped back some brush that was a hinderance to the mowing process. William spoke about the ambulance service not bringing the cart into the house and asking him to walk out to the cart with having a COPD attack and the expense that they charge.
- Plan Commission Chairperson, T. Connors, gave an update on the Plan Commission. There was not a Plan Commission meeting in June and there is nothing scheduled for the July meeting.
- Assessor report by Clerk R. Meyer. Nothing at this time.
- Potential changes to the Reedsburg Area Ambulance Commission. The city of Reedsburg is looking at changing the Ambulance commission to become operated by the City vs. being a separate entity. The city has contacted the neighboring townships and had a meeting. There are concerns from many of the townships of how this is going to be handled and the future of the Reedsburg Area Ambulance Commission. Basically, the city would take over all the equipment, buildings and cash that are part of the Ambulance Commission.
- Building Inspector Report: Building permits issued by GEC – report given by Clerk Meyer
v David Stelling @ S4717 Prairie View Drive for an addition to Shed
v David Miller @ E4915 Herritz Rd for a remodel of a Single-Family Residence
v Art Biesek @ S2533 Gold Rush Ct for a Shed
- Highway report written by Clark Thompson given by Carl Mundth.
v Shouldering is done. Fish Pond was shouldered with 180 tons of recycled blacktop that was donated by Zobels.
v Used 166 tons of gravel to Shoulder Thiemann Hill
v New truck is working great
v Will start mowing ditches when return from vacation. This will be round two.
- Supervisors and Chairperson Reports:
v C. Allen - Supervisor II – William Waser called him about the above comments. Recommends that the bridge on South Dewey gets painted.
v R. Klitzke – Supervisor I – A resident called regarding how the different tax basis are zoned. Regarding exclusive ag vs. residential,
v C. Mundth – Chairperson – Three trees went down that needed cleaned up. Miguel Ruiz and Dan Peterson helped out getting two of these cleaned up. Has some Noxious weeds info. Talked to Madison Truck Equipment about the $2,108.93 extra charge on the invoice. This charge was for the extra cutting and fabrication of the box that goes over the top of the cab where the air horns were. Motion by Klitzke / Allen to pay the additional expense to Madison Truck Equipment. Motion carried. Four fireworks permits were issued.
- Clerk R. Meyer presented Monthly Bills to be paid. Motion by Allen / Klitzke to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.
v Our total of $136,697.13 for the ARPA Local Fiscal Recovery Funds has been approved and we have received 50% of those funds.
v Liquor license has been reported as zero licenses.
- Treasurer Report: Given by Treasurer K. Schwartz
v Deposit - $68,348.57 for ARPA Grant
v Deposit- $26,667.63 – General Transportation Aids
v Deposit - $175.52 (MFL reimbursement)
v Town Board meetings: August 9, Sept. 13, Oct. 18 and Nov. 8 @ 7:00 pm
v Plan Commission –July 26, August 23, Sept. 27 & Oct 25 @ 7:00 pm
- Reasonably related to agenda.
v Kathy Schwartz is requesting a new computer because the current computer took over 15 minutes just to get logged in.
v On the 24th of June the Labansky Drive subdivision had a meeting with the city for the subdivision to be annexed into the city. The city has offered to pay for expenses such as capping off their wells, hooking up to city sewer and water, removal or collapse private septic systems and landscaping to get the subdivision into the city. The city has told the property owners that if they are an island in 3 years, they will automatically be annexed into the city and they would be responsible for their own expenses that could be approximately $48,000 - $56,000 to pay out of pocket for these expenses. The letter that was given in writing states that the city has the first right of refusal to all properties in the Labansky subdivision.
- Motion by Klitzke / Allen to adjourn the monthly Town Board Meeting at 8:43 pm. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rebecca L Meyer
Town of Reedsburg Clerk,(608)524-3999