Board Meeting Minutes for 03-06-2023
Town of Reedsburg Minutes
Monday, March 6, 2023
Monthly Town Board Meeting
at 7:00 pm at the Reedsburg Town Hall
All Items on the agenda are listed for discussion and possible motion
Present: Chad Allen, Rebecca Klitzke, Terri Connors, Rebecca Meyer, Kathy Schwartz
Others Present: Clark Thompson, Nick Brey
Absent: No One
1. Call Meeting to order at 7:00 pm at 7:00 pm by Chairperson C. Allen.
2. Certify Open Meetings Law has been met by Clerk R. Meyer by being on the town website and on the door of the town hall.
3. Adopt Agenda Motion by Klitzke / Connors to adopt the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Approve minutes from previous meeting Motion by Klitzke / Connors to approve the previous monthly meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Approve minutes from the Special meeting. Motion by Klitzke / Connors to approve the special meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Anyone wishing to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda (No action can be taken) Max 3 minutes. No one spoke.
7. 7. Update on Prairieview Drive Bridge project with discussions regarding extension of the completion date and paving limits. Nick Brey gave an update on the Prairieview Bridge project. There is an April 28 deadline for the Prairieview Drive pavement that has to be completed. Discussion took place about the 100 feet between the bridge on Prairie View and Herritz Road.
8. 8. Update on potential Herritz Road project with discussions regarding budget, estimated costs, and scope of the work. Nick Brey will look into BIL program for Herritz Rd.
9. Discussion on submission of paperwork for Bridge Aid, LRIP etc. Nick will take care of submitting the paperwork for the Bridge Aid.
10. Discussion on issues with tax collection by K. Schwartz Sammons – Prestige paid 3 years of personal property tax and shouldn’t have been. Personal Property tax bill that should have been for Town of Excelsior. Classic Concrete was charged personal property and shouldn’t have been.
11. Set Date for Annual Meeting (usually the third Tuesday of April) – Discussion took place and everyone will check calendars and a date will be set at the April meeting.
12. Set Date for Road Tour – Friday, April 14 @ 7:30am
13. Ambulance Report by R. Klitzke – Attended the Succession planning meeting for the ambulance
14. Assessors Report by R. Meyer – Nothing
15. Highway Report by C. Thompson
v New Orange truck broke down but he was able to fix it.
16. Building Inspector (GEC) report by R. Meyer
v No Permits issued in February
17. Chairman / Supervisor Reports and comments
v T. Connors - Supervisor II – Nothing to report
v R. Klitzke – Supervisor I – Someone contacted regarding a center line on Golf Course rd. Also, a call from someone that the garbage toters are cheaper than curbside pickup. Will be attending the Board of Review Training on Saturday, April 29th in Barneveld.
v C. Allen – Chairperson – Quick update on the boundary agreement – spoke with our town lawyer and recommended us having a meeting with the Mayor, lawyer and town board.
18. Town Clerk presentation of monthly bills and comments by R. Meyer Motion by Connors / Klitzke to pay the monthly bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
19. Treasures Report and comments by K. Schwartz
v $950 – (Dog License - $10, Hall Rent - $190, Cemetery Lot - $800, Driveway permit - $50)
20. Review upcoming dates: Plan Commission / Town Board
v Plan Commission – March 27, April 24, May 22& June 26@ 7:00pm
v Town Board meetings: Apr 10, May 9 & June 12@ 7:00 pm
v Elections –Set up March 30 – April 4
21. Anything else reasonably related to the agenda. (No action can be taken at this meeting).
22. Adjourn Motion by Klitzke / Connors to adjourn the monthly Town Board Meeting at 8:54 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rebecca Meyer, Clerk