Board Meeting Minutes for 07-08-2019

Approved Minutes
Town of Reedsburg
Monday, July 8, 2019 @ 7:30 Pm
Town Board Monthly Meeting

    PRESENT:  C. Mundth E. Borleske, P. Grosskrueger, R. Meyer, L. Borleske
    ALSO PRESENT:  Clark Thompson, Alan Buss, Rebecca Klitzke, Teri Connors, Bob     Fleming, Jerry Antoine, Pam Coy, Sam Lindloff, Dennis Connors, Richard Fish.

Town Board monthly meeting called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:30 pm.
R. Meyer certified that the meeting met the criteria of open meetings law.
Motion made by P. Grosskrueger seconded by E. Borleske to adopt agenda.  Motion Carried.
Anyone wishing to speak that is not on the agenda. None at this time.

E. Borleske noted that in last months minutes he opposed to the resolution for a public hearing to change an ordinance. However, several town members that were at last months meeting, R. Meyer and C. Mundth all agreed that E. Borleske did not oppose.  The minutes will stand as originally written. Motion made by P. Grosskrueger, seconded by C. Mundth to approve the minutes from June.  Paul and Carl - Yay. Ervin - Nay. Motion carried.

Town Board Monthly meeting has been recessed for Board of Review @ 7:40 pm.
Board of Review Called to order @ 7:40 pm Motion by Paul, seconded by Ervin.  Motion carried.
Open Book will be held on July 29th from 4 - 6 pm and Board of Review will be held on August 5th from 6 - 8 pm.  Motion by P. Grosskrueger, seconded by E. Borleske. Motion carried.
Board of Review recessed until dates listed above.

Town Board Monthly meeting reconvened at 7:44 pm
L. Borleske gave an update on Plan Commission meeting.   There was a not a meeting in June and there will not be one in July. The next meeting would be August 26 if there is anything for the agenda.

Signatures for the resolution #007-2019 - “Requirement for  Public Hearing on New or Amended Ordinance”s. 

Discussion on Town Website.  Alan Buss from Constellation Web Services came and presented the web services that he offers.  $1,025 for the first year and $125 for every year after.  Motion made by P. Grosskrueger, seconded by C. Mundth to proceed with Constellation Web Services.  Unanimous vote, Motion carried.

Discussion with no action on possible changes of ATV / UTV ordinance.  C. Mundth had read some questions presented to the Town Lawyer, Jon Orton from Mauston, and his answers.  Request for Golf Course to be opened to cross the Hwy by the Golf Course.  Lane Drive to be taken off the ATV / UTV Route.  Clean up the Ordinance to state All Town Roads are open with the exception of Lane Drive or otherwise posted as a closed road.

Assessor report given by Becky Meyer - Nothing at this time

Highway report given by Clark Thompson
Road washed out on Thieman Hill Road where the culvert is but the culvert is fine.  Zobels came and fixed it on the 4th of July.
The road by Roger Engels is getting bad and needs to be fixed before the whole road collapses. Foundry fill would be the best option and least expensive and would be covered with clay or black dirt. The other side needs to be ditched so the water will be directed that way.
Clark was told that the wash out on Thieman Hill rd we could get DOT aid and get possibly 80% of the cost.
St. Josephs came and worked on the tractor.
The big truck started leaking air.

Building Inspection Report: Building permits issued by GEC - by R Meyer
Ryan and Sierra Fuhrman @ E7030 Labansky Rd for an Addition & Remodel
W.R. Gade @ S3618 S Dewey Ave for a new deck.

Chairman / Supervisor Reports:
P. Grosskrueger- Meeting notice for a meeting for City of Reedsburg Zoning and Review board.  The notice will be forwarded to Chad Allen.
E. Borleske – Phone Call from Larry Miller about the flooding
C. Mundth- Issued 3 fireworks permits, Dan Knuth, Reedsburg Country Club & Miguel Ruiz.

 R. Meyer presented the monthly bills to be paid.  Motion made by E. Borleske seconded by P. Grosskrueger to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.

Treasurer Report: Given by Linda Borleske
Deposit - General Transportation Aids- $24,481.27
Managed Forest Deposit - $151.32 - 20% goes to the county which was $30.26.
Garbage Pick up was collected for a resident that is selling their house and was not charged garbage pick up for the past two years.
Deposit - $2,347.69 ($151.32 - State of Wisconsin for Manged Forest, $236.00 - Wisconsin River Title for garbage pickup, $1,080 - Hall Rent from DOT, $300 - Hall Rent Grace Reform Church, $529.37 - Private Sales, $51.00 - Building Permits)
The church will no longer be renting the Town Hall they have bought their own building
Open Book July 29 - 4 pm - 6 pm
Board of Review August 5th - 6 pm - 8 pm
 Town Board monthly meetings: Aug 12, Sept 9, Oct 14 & Nov 11 @7:30 pm
 Plan Commission -August 26@ 7:30 pm

Anything else reasonably related to the agenda. Plaque was presented to the Brooks family earlier.

Motion by P. Grosskrueger, second by C. Mundth to adjourn the monthly Town Board Meeting at 9:50 pm.  Motion carried. 

Respectively Submitted,
Rebecca L Meyer
Town of Reedsburg Clerk 

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