Board Meeting Minutes for 11-11-2019
Approved Minutes
Town of Reedsburg
Monday, November 11, 2019 @ 7:30 Pm
Town Board Monthly Meeting
PRESENT: C. Mundth E. Borleske, P. Grosskrueger, R. Meyer, L. Borleske
ALSO PRESENT: Clark Thompson, Larry Mundth, Rebecca Klitzke
- Town Board monthly meeting called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:30 pm.
- R. Meyer certified that the meeting met the criteria of open meetings law.
- Motion made by P. Grosskrueger seconded by C. Mundth to adopt agenda. Motion Carried.
- Anyone wishing to speak that is not on the agenda.
- Motion made by E. Borleske, seconded by P. Grosskrueger to approve the minutes from October as corrected. Motion carried.
- Regular Town Board meeting recessed @ 7:34 pm
- Budget Hearing called to order @ 7:34 pm
- Presentation of 2020 Budget
- Discussion on 2020 Budget
- 2020 Budget Hearing adjourned @ 7:52 pm
- Regular Town Board Meeting reconvened @ 7:52 pm
- Motion by E. Borleske seconded by P. Grosskrueger to adopt the 2020 budget as presented. Paul - Yay, Ervin - Yay, Carl - Yay. Motion carried.
- L. Borleske gave an update on Plan Commission meeting. There was not a meeting in October. The next meeting would be November 25 if there is anything to discuss. Still ongoing struggle with the well testing from Grede / AAM. We haven’t received the results of the water testing since 2017. Testing was not done in 2018.
- Larry Mundth regarding assessors value from 2017 assessment has been tabled from last month until we can find out from the County what the proper protocol is. R. Meyer read attached email from Sarah Brown, Sauk County. Larry stated that they never received a notice of the increase, when he did attend the open book he was told that comparables are no longer used. Larry was assessed$52,000 more than what they paid for the bunker. Larry is going to contact Ian Holloway to request an itemized list of his assessments. If Larry doesn’t get what he is requesting he will contact Paul or Ervin to contact Ian. As a Town Board there is disappointment in the way our town members were treated at Open Book and the conflicting information on whether comparables are done or not.
- Assessor report given by Becky Meyer - Nothing at this time
- Highway report given by Clark Thompson
- Sander was fixed
- There is a mechanical problem with the sander
- The big truck is fixed and running. The oil leak was a pin hole in the oil pan.
- The sand is delivered
- The new gutters have been installed but the snow stops haven’t been put on the roof yet.
- There was a semi from Texas on Snake Hill. Clark made him back down the hill.
- There is a concern about snow plowing private driveways. Clark doesn’t have time to do the private driveways in a timely matter. Town consensus that R. Meyer will send a letter to Gene and Mimi Wuest that the Town will no longer be plowing personal driveways as of December 31, 2019. Please let us know if you find someone before this date.
- The beaver problem has been taken care of by the neighboring residents of the problem.
- The brush cutter / boom mower is still available at St. Joes.
- Building Inspection Report: Building permits issued by GEC - by R Meyer
- Cheryl Arkin @ 7187B Eagle Ridge Court for a Re-roofing project
- Al & Kathy Altenbach has someone living in a camper and there is a new shed going up around the camper.
- Chairman / Supervisor Reports:
- P. Grosskrueger- Nothing at this time
- E. Borleske – Nothing at this time
- C. Mundth- received a notice about Ryan and Valerie Johansen @ S2705 County Rd V has a failing septic due to flooding that will require a holding tank. Trip project on Golf Course South of Hwy 33 has been applied for. We will submitting for the 90 / 10 MLS grant program for Herritz Rd, Golf Course Rd. and Prairie View Bridge.
- R. Meyer presented the monthly bills to be paid. Motion made by P. Grosskrueger seconded by E. Borleske to pay most of the bills holding a few of the bills until after the November State Shared Revenue is received. Motion carried.
- Treasurer Report: Given by Linda Borleske
- Deposit - $234.76 (Hall Rent - $50, Dog License - $10, Private Sales - $40, Building Permit - $4, Dividend Check - $130.76)
Plan Commission: November 25 - Town Board monthly meetings:Dec 9, Jan 13, Feb 10 & Mar 9 @7:30 pm
- Deposit - $234.76 (Hall Rent - $50, Dog License - $10, Private Sales - $40, Building Permit - $4, Dividend Check - $130.76)
- Anything else reasonably related to the agenda.
- Motion by P. Grosskrueger, second by E. Borleske to adjourn the monthly Town Board Meeting at 9:55 pm. Motion carried.
Respectively Submitted,
Rebecca L Meyer
Town of Reedsburg Clerk
ATTACHED: Letter from Sarah Brown Sauk County:
Good afternoon all:
I received a phone call from Larry Mundth earlier this week regarding the 2018 assessment value on 030-0996-00000. He said that he went to the Town meeting held this month regarding the 2018 assessment value on the property being in error, and that the Town is discussing a refund of taxes. I explained to Larry that an error in assessment value is corrected by the Town filling out a form per Statute 70.43 regarding correction of errors by assessor. In order for the Town to be reimbursed what they refund to the taxpayer, they would follow Statute 74.41 regarding charging back of refunded taxes. The Town submits a form to the State by October 1, and the State determines the amount (if any) of taxes that each taxing jurisdiction pays back to the Town for reimbursement.
After further discussion with Ian Holloway, the assessor for the Town, it appears that the 2018 value was not a palpable error, but was a value that was placed on the new construction on the property. A palpable error per Statute 74.33, constitutes of:
(a) A clerical error has been made in the description of the property or in the computation of the tax.
(b) The assessment included real property improvements which did not exist on the date under s. 70.10 for making the assessment.
(c) The property is exempt by law from taxation, except as provided under sub. (2).
(d) The property is not located in the taxation district for which the tax roll was prepared.
(e) A double assessment has been made.
(f) An arithmetic, transpositional or similar error has occurred.
(2) Exceptions. The governing body of a taxation district may not refund or rescind any tax under this section … if the alleged error is solely that the assessor placed a valuation on the property that is excessive.
Since the reason for the assessment increase (new construction) is not listed above, I don’t believe the Town would be able to move forward with this procedure.
If you have further questions, please contact the Department of Revenue at 608-266-8184.
Thank you,
Sarah Brown
Sauk County Real Property Listing Manager/Deputy Treasurer
505 Broadway, Rm 148
Baraboo, WI 53913
Ph (608)355-3575