Board Meeting Minutes for 12-09-2019
Approved Minutes
Town of Reedsburg
Monday, December 9 @ 7:30 Pm
Town Board Monthly Meeting
PRESENT: C. Mundth E. Borleske, P. Grosskrueger, R. Meyer, L. Borleske
ALSO PRESENT: Clark Thompson, Larry Mundth, Rebecca Klitzke, Chad Allen, David Allen, Steve Herritz, Teri Connors.
- Town Board monthly meeting called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:30 pm.
- R. Meyer certified that the meeting met the criteria of open meetings law.
- Motion made by P. Grosskrueger seconded by E. Borleske to adopt agenda. Motion Carried.
- Anyone wishing to speak that is not on the agenda.
- Motion made by E. Borleske, seconded by P. Grosskrueger to approve the minutes from November as corrected. Motion carried.
- L. Borleske gave an update on Plan Commission meeting. The Plan Commission met before the Town Board meeting at 7:00 for Steve Herritz CSM. Linda did get the well samples from CT Laboratories for all nine households surrounding the grede foundry landfill. Attended a meeting in LaValle of the Land Resources and Environment resources regarding issues that may impact our town. Will Christian is our representative at Sauk County. There are revisions on Chapter 7 of the Sauk county zoning ordinance.
- Steven Herritz @ E5552 Herritz Road proposed a 4.38 acre CSM to reconfigure a lot of record. Steve would like to sell the 4.38 acres to his son. This is already an established lot of record. The CSM has been recommended to the Town Board from the Plan Commission. Motion by E. Borleske, seconded by P. Grosskrueger to approve the CSM. Motion carried.
- Larry Mundth regarding assessors value from 2018. Larry gave us the attached letter that he sent Ian Holloway. Ian did get figures to Larry for his property however, Larry also asked for figures for a comparable property and has not yet received those figures.
- Hall Rental Procedures and Policies. Linda reported that a lady rented the Town Hall and has rented before. When they returned the key she announced that a table had broken. Linda told them that they would have to replace the table. There had been another table that was damaged. Clark was able to fix the one table and then replaced the other table. Linda called the VFW and got their rates. We are comparable with their rates however, their security deposit is more than what we collect. The Town will be invoicing the party that had damaged the table for the cost of the table, mileage and Clark’s time. Motion by C. Mundth, seconded by P. Grosskrueger effective January 1, 2020 to increase the Hall rental security deposit to $100 for all rentals except for the 4 rentals that are already booked. Motion carried.
- Assessor report given by R. Meyer - Nothing at this time
- Ambulance report by Rebecca Klitzke given by R. Meyer. See attached.
- Highway report given by Clark Thompson
- A seal was leaking on the big plow truck. Night Owl fixed the seal but didn’t have the tool to fix it so Clark went to LaFarge to get the tool needed. Then it began to leak again around the oil pan. He used some JB weld on it but it didn’t work. A new pan has been ordered and will cost approximately $500.
- Andrew Roblez had helped out by giving Clark a ride. We will pay him mileage and $12 / hr.
- Building Inspection Report: Building permits issued by GEC - by R Meyer
- Earl Landsinger @ E5855 LaValle Street for Electric Service.
- Chairman / Supervisor Reports:
- P. Grosskrueger- Nothing at this time
- E. Borleske – Attended WTA Sauk County Meeting. Highlight was that Dale Schulz and another individual were that talking about the gerrymandering going on with the elections.
- C. Mundth- Fred Raupp has hired a professional trapper for the Beavers out by Copper Springs. We did get payment from Disaster Damage Aid for the 75 / 25 split for the Thieman Hill Road project. We submitted for 3 different 90 / 10 split MLS program. These for Herritz Road, Golf Course Road and the old cement bridge on Prairie View Rd. Received an email from Greg LaBansky about the incorrect spelling on the road sign. Gutter work was completed in the front of the Town Hall and the three overhead doors. We had a contractor call to get special permission to haul 110 loads of rock from Rock Springs quarry to the Foundry landfill on Ski Hill. We may have to replace the drain tile on Golf Course Rd by Steve Clarks residence. Carl bought some security camera signs for Old Loganville Rd dumping zone. Positive message from Art Schrader regarding the mill rate increase.
- R. Meyer presented the monthly bills to be paid. Motion made by P. Grosskrueger seconded by C. Mundth to pay most of the bills holding a few of the bills until after some tax dollars are received. Motion carried.
- Treasurer Report: Given by Linda Borleske
- Deposit - $7868.52 received from Disaster Damage Aid Program for the Thieman Hill road Project.
- Deposit - $43,488.39 for State Shared Revenue
- Depoist - $493.75 (Hall Rent - $205, LaBansky Sign - $30, Private Sales - $140.75, Building Permit - $4, Cemetary - $114)
- Plan Commission: January 27 if needed
- Town Board monthly meetings: Jan 13, Feb 10, Mar 9 & April 13 @7:30 pm
- Election February 18 & April 7
- Anything else reasonably related to the agenda.
- Motion by P. Grosskrueger, second by E. Borleske to adjourn the monthly Town Board Meeting at 9:26 pm. Motion carried.
Respectively Submitted,
Rebecca L Meyer
Town of Reedsburg Clerk
Reedsburg Area Ambulance Service Commission Meeting, November 12, 2019
The meeting began with a call to order, roll call, and certify compliance with Open Meeting Law. After the approval of the agenda and the minutes from the last meeting, the financial statements were reviewed and approved.
Director Kowalke presented his monthly report and training and presented a proposal for a new Employee Assistance Program. The program that the Ambulance Service had through their American Ambulance Association (AAA) membership is no longer being provided. The program involved counseling, financial and family matter assistance, and a variety of other resources for employees who may be facing personal matters. The program had positive results in the past and provides employees access to help that they may need so that their job performance is not negatively impacted. The Director recommended that a contract be signed with FEI Behavioral Health, a company that is focused on Emergency Responders. The Ambulance Service has been using the company since AAA stopped providing the program. The Commission approved the recommendation.
The director advised that the new ambulance was currently being manufactured and would be completed after the first of the year. There was no new information regarding the ongoing land acquisition from the DNR; the process is tedious and has a multitude of steps that it has to go through before a final decision is made.
The meeting closed with adjournment.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca M. Klitzke