Board Meeting Minutes for 01-13-2020
Approved Minutes
Town of Reedsburg
Monday, January 13, 2020 @ 7:30 Pm
Town Board Monthly Meeting
PRESENT: Chairperson-Carl Mundth, Supervisor I-Ervin Borleske, Supervisor II-Paul Grosskrueger, Clerk-Rebecca Meyer, Treasurer-Linda Borleske
ALSO PRESENT: Clark Thompson, Rebecca Klitzke, Chad Allen, Larry Mundth.
- Town Board monthly meeting called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:30 pm.
- Clerk Meyer certified that the meeting met the criteria of open meetings law by being published on the town website and posted on the door of the town hall.
- Agenda was reviewed. Motion made by Supervisor Grosskrueger, seconded by Chairperson Mundth to adopt agenda. Supervisor Borleske did not vote. Motion carried.
- Anyone wishing to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda. Larry Mundth spoke regarding a special assessment that is on a vacant parcel.
- Motion made by Supervisor Borleske, seconded by Supervisor Grosskrueger to approve the minutes from the December meeting as corrected. Motion carried.
- Plan Commission Chairperson Linda Borleske gave an update on Plan Commission meeting. The Plan Commission met before the December Town Board meeting regarding Steve Herritz proposed CSM. The next Plan Commission meeting will be January 27 if needed. Linda received a letter from Pam & Jeff Coy regarding their dissatisfaction with the well testing results. Linda also received a letter from Will Christian regarding well testing for David Pace. There are concerns of what the samples are being tested for and how the results are being given with no direction of what are tolerable levels. The conditional use permit for the Grede Foundry land fill will expire on July 26, 2021. At that time a public hearing will need to be held and the town can express what level of testing is done and what they would like to have done. Supervisor Borleske commented that if the issues that were discussed were not addressed they will be hard pressed to get a conditional use permit if he is still on this board. David Blair from the DNR commented that we should be concerned with the absence of testing for other poisonous chemicals that could be in the foundry landfill and transfer to the surrounding wells. Linda Borleske commented that this issue is near and dear to her heart because her concern is if there is Copper in the Baraboo River water from the Foundry landfill and her sheep drink out of the river, they could get very ill or die.
- Discussion of needed Town of Reedsburg town needs and Town Hall repairs and improvements. The list below was compiled and we will continue next month to prioritize.
- Front tractor Tires
- Sander Box Replace for 2008 Truck
- Concrete apron in front of overhead garage doors
- Lights for the Town Hall
- 2 large Windows on South Wall for the Town Hall
- Front glass door
- Flooring for the Town Hall
- Put ceiling fans on a light switch
- Ceiling replacement / Insulation
- 2 overhead garage doors
- Lights and fans in Garage
- 1 ton white dump truck
- Assessor report given by Clerk Meyer - An email was read from Ian about phasing out of the Assessor role. Supervisor Borleske asked about an email that he never received regarding Larry Mundth’s tax roll comparisons. Supervisor Borleske also said that his computer wasn’t working right and he wasn’t getting all his emails. Clerk Meyer will forward the email from Holloway Appraisals.
- Highway report given by Clark Thompson
- Truck blew a radiator hose, Night Owl Repair came and fixed it.
- Fawn Valley Drive is mapped as Fawn Valley Drive and all addresses on fire numbers are Fawn Valley Drive but the road sign is Fawn Valley Road. This road sign has been changed to Fawn Valley Drive.
- Friske Drive sign has been replaced.
- Building Inspection Report: Building permits issued by GEC - given by Clerk Meyer
- Nothing at this time for building permits
- Reviewed GEC contract. Motion by Chairperson Mundth, seconded by Supervisor Grosskrueger to approve and sign contract as is. Motion carried.
- Supervisor Borleske requested copies of all building permits from the past year.
- Supervisors and Chairperson Reports:
- P. Grosskrueger - Supervisor II
- Nothing at this time
- E. Borleske - Supervisor I
- March 14 is Board of Review training at the Wilderness Resort.
- Inquired about the Wisconsin Town Officers’ Handbooks that were ordered. Clerk Meyer has them and will bring them to the February meeting.
- C. Mundth - Chairperson
- Received a letter from Teresa Bass, Town of Winfield Clerk, requesting use of the Town of Reedsburg town hall as their emergency alternate polling place. Responded back with approval.
- Received a letter from Pat Gavinski, Sauk County Highway Commissioner regarding county highways within the Town of Reedsburg that are being requested for ATV route access. Responded back with approval.
- P. Grosskrueger - Supervisor II
- Clerk Meyer presented the monthly bills to be paid. Motion made by Supervisor Borleske seconded by Supervisor Grosskrueger to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.
- Treasurer Report: Given by Treasurer Borleske
- Deposit - $26,739.90 received General Transportation Aids.
- Deposit - $567.40 (Hall Rent - $440, Miscellaneous income (Table replacement) - $117.40, Building Permit - $10)
- Plan Commission: January 27 if needed
- Town Board meetings:Feb 10, Mar 9, April 13 & May 11@7:30 pm
- Election Dates: February 18 & April 7
- Early Voting: February 13th from 5pm-8pm; April 2nd from 5pm-8pm
- Anything else reasonably related to the agenda.
- Motion by Supervisor Grosskrueger, second by Supervisor Borleske to adjourn the monthly Town Board Meeting at 9:38 pm. Motion carried.
Respectively Submitted,
Rebecca L Meyer
Town of Reedsburg Clerk