Board Meeting Minutes for 05-11-2020

Approved Minutes
Town of Reedsburg
Monday, May 11, 2020 @ 7:30 Pm
Town Board Monthly Meeting

PRESENT:  Chairperson-Carl Mundth, Supervisor I-Ervin Borleske, Supervisor II-Paul     Grosskrueger, Clerk-Rebecca Meyer, Treasurer-Linda Borleske
ALSO PRESENT:  Clark Thompson, Chad Allen, Rebecca Klitzke, Dennis Connors, Terri Connors, Larry Mundth, Pat Anderson (Scott Construction).

  1. Town Board monthly meeting called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:30 pm.
  2. Clerk Meyer certified that the meeting met the criteria of open meetings law by being published on the town website and posted on the door of the town hall.
  3. Agenda was reviewed. Motion made by Chairperson Mundth, seconded by Supervisor Grosskrueger to adopt agenda.  Motion carried. Supervisor Borleske Abstained from voting.
  4. The Minutes were read from the April meeting. Motion by Supervisor Grosskrueger, seconded by Supervisor Borleske, to approve April minutes with minor changes. Motion carried.
  5. The Minutes were read from March meeting.Motion by Supervisor Borleske, seconded by Supervisor Grosskrueger, to approve March minutes with minor changes. Motion carried.
  6. Anyone wishing to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda. 
  7. Chairperson Mundth made a statement of the Town Board Meeting standards being set.  Going forward Town Patrolman can speak during his time of expertise, Town Treasurer can speak during their time of expertise, Plan Commission Chair can speak during their time of expertise, Town Clerk can speak during their time of expertise.  The Town Board Members are Supervisor Borleske, Supervisor Grosskrueger and Chairperson Mundth who will be speaking about the agenda topics as needed.
  8. Town Board Recessed @ 8:04 pm
  9. Motion by Supervisor Grosskrueger, seconded by Chairperson Mundth to call the Board of Review to order at 8:04 pm for the purpose of setting a future date.  Motion carried.  Supervisor Borleske abstained from voting.
  10. Board of Review was adjourned to a future date of June 8. Motion by Supervisor Borleske, seconded by Supervisor Grosskrueger.  Roll call vote C. Mundth - Yay, E. Borleske - Yay, P. Grosskrueger - Yay.  Motion carried.  
  11. Plan Commission Chairperson Linda Borleske gave an update on Plan Commission meeting.  There was a not Plan Commission meeting in March or April.  There will be a meeting on May 18 to establish a new parcel and for the committee members to be sworn in.
  12. Opened sealed bids for TRIP Program on Old Loganville Rd. D.L. Gasser bid - $8,415.00 for pulverizing, $41,205 for warm or hot mix compacting.  $2 per ton of gravel to prepare and compact town provided gravel (not included in bid). Total bid - $49,620.  Scott Construction - $4,950 for pulverizing, $44,876.60 for hot mix compacting, bid includes gravel prep and compacting of town provided gravel. Total bid - $49,826.  Motion by Supervisor Borleske, seconded by Supervisor Grosskrueger to accept the bid from D.L. Gasser for the TRIP Program on Old Loganville Rd.  Motion carried.
  13. Opened sealed bids for Gravel.  The only bid was received from Zobels.  3/4” Gravel picked up - $7.30 / TN, delivered - $10.65 / TN, 2”-3” Breaker Run picked up - $7.30 / TN, delivered - $10.65 / TN, 5” Select Stone picked up - $10.00 / TN, delivered - $13.35 / TN, Recycled Black Top picked up - $7.80 / TN, delivered - $11.15 / TN.  Motion by Supervisor Grosskrueger, seconded by Supervisor Borleske to accept the Zobel bid for aggregate.  Motion carried.
  14. County Treasurer sent an email regarding ACT 185 to authorize interest and penalties to be waved for the second half of taxes until October 1st however, taxes are still due July 31st due to COVID-19. Treasurer Borleske went over the basics of the email highlighting that the second half of taxes settlements would be in August and then again in September.  This will go to the County Board on May 19.  The email would like the following questions answered from Sauk County Town Boards.  Will the Town be willing to pass a resolution? - Yes, by consensus.  How does the board feel about two separate settlements? -  Yes, by consensus. Would you pass a resolution if the county would pay the full settlement in August instead of divided into two settlements?  Yes - by consensus. Treasurer Borleske will relay this information to the County Treasurer.
  15. Discussion of needed town hall repairs or replacements of  windows and lights.  Supervisor Grosskrueger received some information from Focus on Energy on lighting and window and gave it to Chairperson Mundth. There are 4 different bid options and quotes on what Focus on Energy rebates would be for the lights. The Board reduced this to two options to request sealed bids for.  The two big window on the South side of the Town Hall need to be replaced as they are 40 years old. Suggestions to include in bidding for lighting would be JW Electric, Service Electric & Carr Valley.  Suggestions to include in bidding for windows would be Wisconsin Glass & Beaver Glass.  
  16. Chairperson Mundth made appointments for Plan Commission members. Motion by Chairperson Mundth, seconded by Supervisor Borleske for Mimi Wuest to continue as a Plan Commission Member.  Motion Carried. Motion by Supervisor Grosskrueger, seconded by Supervisor Borleske for David Allen to continue as a Plan Commission Member. Motion carried.  Motion by Supervisor Grosskrueger,seconded by Chairperson Mundth for John Dietz to continue as a Plan Commission Member.  Motion carried.  Appointment have been made for a two year term. 
  17. Assessor report given by Clerk Meyer - Bob from Holloway Appraisals will call me to see if we want to do Open Book and Board of Review remotely and get some dates on the calendar.  The Town Board is not interested in doing the Board of Review remotely.
  18. Highway report given by Patrolman, Clark Thompson
    1. Concrete slab in front of Shop was done by Bindl and was finished last week. 
    2. Took the Big Orange truck back to Night Owl to get more work done and to get a spring replaced.
    3. The Air Brakes started to leak so the air dryer was replaced also on the big orange truck by Night Owl.
    4. A culvert on Old Loganville Rd. needs to have something done.  The County Commissioner gave his suggestion to ditch it out and add rip rap and fabric to the existing tube.
  19. Building Inspection Report: Building permits issued by GEC - by Clerk Meyer
    1. Lila Shimniok @ E7258 N Oak Crest Dr for Steps and Landing
  20. Supervisors and Chairperson Reports:
    P. Grosskrueger - Supervisor II
    Focus on Energy
    E. Borleske - Supervisor I
    Nothing at this time.
    C. Mundth - Chairperson
    Would like copies of D.L. Gasser and Scott Construction bids
    Received an email for an invitation to attend a skype meeting about a proposed improvement of Hwy 136 and Hwy 23 to a round-a-bout at this intersection.
  21. Monthly bills presented to be paid by Clerk Meyer. Motion made by Chairperson Mundth seconded by Supervisor Borleske to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.
  22. Clerk Meyer requested information regarding WTA magazine being received via email.  Everyone would like to receive a hard copy of the magazine.
  23. Treasurer Report: Given by Treasurer Borleske
    Deposit - $26,739 (Transportation Aids)
    Deposit - $8006.75 (Lottery & Gaming and Dog Tax)
    Deposit - $960 (DOT - Hall Rent)
    Deposit - $282.72 ($10- Dog License, $85.72- State of WI in lieu of taxes on DNR Land, $17 - GEC building permits, $100 - CNA insurance refund, $70 - Private sales)
    Plan Commission: May 18 @ 7:30 pm
    Town Board meetings: June 8, July 13 & (Wed) August 12 @7:30 pm
    Early voting - Thursday August 6; Election Day Tuesday August 11
  24. Anything else reasonably related to the agenda.
  25. Motion by Supervisor Grosskrueger, second by Supervisor Borleske to adjourn the monthly Town Board Meeting at 9:58 pm.  Motion carried. 

    Respectively Submitted,
    Rebecca L Meyer
    Town of Reedsburg Clerk 

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