Board Meeting Minutes for 06-08-2020

Approved Minutes
Town of Reedsburg
Board of Review
Monday, June 8, 2020 @ 7:30 Pm
Immediately followed by
Town Board Monthly Meeting

PRESENT:  Chairperson-Carl Mundth, Supervisor I-Ervin Borleske, Supervisor II-Paul     Grosskrueger, Clerk-Rebecca Meyer, Treasurer-Linda Borleske
ALSO PRESENT:  Clark Thompson, Terri Connors (arrived @ 7:36pm), David Allen (left @ 7:50pm)

  1. Board of Review Called to order at 7:30 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Adjourned Board of Review @ 7:33 pm to July 23. Motion by Supervisor Grosskrueger, seconded by Chairperson Mundth to adjourn the BOR to July 23.  Roll Call Vote.  Supervisor Grosskrueger - Yay, Supervisor Borleske - Yay, Chairperson Mundth - Yay.  Motion carried.
  3. Town Board monthly meeting called to order at 7:33 pm.
  4. Clerk Meyer certified that the meeting met the criteria of open meetings law by being published on the town website and posted on the door of the town hall.
  5. Agenda was reviewed. Motion made by Supervisor Grosskrueger, seconded by Supervisor Borleske to adopt agenda.  Motion carried.
  6. The Minutes were read from the May meeting. Motion by Supervisor Borleske, seconded by Supervisor Grosskrueger, to approve minutes with minor changes. Motion carried.
  7. Anyone wishing to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda.  No one spoke at this time.
  8. Plan Commission Chairperson Linda Borleske gave an update on Plan Commission meeting.  There was a Plan Commission meeting on May 18 with the Oaths of Office for David Allen, Mimi Wuest and John Dietz.  David Allen came before the Plan Commission Committee to request approval of a CSM.  The next meeting would be June 29 if needed.
  9. CSM for David Allen for a new 1.5 acre parcel on Ski Hill Road. Recommended approval from the Plan Commission Committee.  Motion by Supervisor Borleske, seconded by Supervisor Grosskrueger, to approve the proposed CSM.   Motion carried.
  10. Sealed bids were opened for the two large windows on the South side of the building.  Wisconsin Glass bid was for two panel windows- $5,042.50, Beaver Glass Bid was for three panel windows - $5,400.00.  Motion made by Supervisor Borleske, seconded by Supervisor Grosskrueger, to decline both bids and get them rebid with different specifications.  Motion Carried.
  11. Sealed bids were opened for 14 Light fixtures within the Town Hall meeting room, Kitchen and Hall.  Carr Valley bid - To replace complete unit bid$1,962.80, to retrofit tubes only bid $1,053.50.  Service Electric bid - to replace complete unit bid $1,725, to retrofit tubes only Service Electric gave a no quote as they feel it is an inferior solution.  JW Electric Bid - to retrofit tubes only $2,500, to replace complete unit bid $2,300.  Motion by Supervisor Grosskrueger, seconded by Supervisor Borleske, to accept the bid from Service Electric to replace the complete light fixtures for $1,725.  Motion Carried.
  12. Assessor report given by Clerk Meyer - Bob Called from Holloway Appraisal and requested Open Book date as Thursday, July 16 from 5pm - 7pm and Board of Review as Thursday, July 23 from 6pm - 8pm.
  13. Ambulance report for March & May written by Rebecca Klitzke were read by Clerk Meyer.
  14. Highway report given by Clark Thompson
    1. Issued a driveway permit to Art Biesek for the Copper Creek Division.
    2. Will probably issue a driveway permit to Martens also.
    3. There is a culvert on Fish pond rd that is bad and the bottom is rotting out of it.  The piece that was put on it many years ago needs to be replaced.  Approximately cost is about $2,000.  Motion by Supervisor Grosskrueger, seconded by Supervisor Borleske to replace the tube on Fish Pond Rd. from a 30” tube to a 24” tube.  Motion carried.
    4. The road on Fish Pond Rd slants and there should be an edge with a shoulder put on after the tube is replaced.
    5. Clark would like to have the County do this project so it can be planned out a little bit more.
    6. Gasser will be doing the Old Loganville Rd project probably in July. 
    7. First round of mowing was completed
    8. Clark will be on vacation from the June 13th to June 20th.
  15. Building Inspector Report: Building permits issued by GEC - by Clerk Meyer
    1. Gary Hyzer @ S3704 Thieman Hill Rd for Raze Barn Permit
    2. Brian Cunningham @ E5025 Old Ironton Rd for a shed
  16. Supervisors and Chairperson Reports:
    1. P. Grosskrueger - Supervisor II
      has Focus on Energy form.   Will work with Service Electric on this.
    2. E. Borleske - Supervisor I
      CARES grant that would pay for election supplies.  Another grant program for Routes to Recovery.  This would cover anything that the CARES grant does not cover. Jim Huebsch and Ervin got invited to do  a zoom meeting with WTA executives and directors to come to an agreement of COVID-19 future meetings.
    3. C. Mundth - Chairperson
      A camera on Old Loganville Rd.
      Would like an update from Gasser when Old Loganville Rd will be done.
  17. Clerk Meyer presented Monthly Bills to be paid. Motion made by Supervisor Grosskrueger seconded by Supervisor Borleske to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.
  18. Treasurer Report: Given by Treasurer Borleske
    1. Deposit - $277.32 (Personal Property Aid)
    2. Deposit - $1,982.70  ($6 - GEC Building Permits, $94.25 - Private Sales, $50 - Driveway permit, $1,832.53 - Recycling Grant)
    3. Plan Commission: June 29 @ 7:30 pm if there is anything for agenda.
    4. Town Board meetings: July 13, (Wed) August 12, Sept. 14@7:30 pm
    5. Open Book - Thursday, July 16 from 5pm -7 pm
    6. Board or Review - Thursday, July 23 from 6pm - 8pm
    7. Private Equip testing - July 23 from 5:15pm - 6:00pm
    8. Public Equip testing - July 29 from5:15pm - 6:15pm
    9. Set up Election hall - August 6
    10. Early Voting: August 6th from 5pm-7pm
    11. Election Dates: August 11, November 3
    12. Received an Email regarding ACT 185.  They will not be moving forward with the proposal presented.
    13. Steve Herritz called about his garbage pickup.  Linda referred him to Carl.
  19. Anything else reasonably related to the agenda.
  20. Motion by Supervisor Borleske, second by Supervisor Grosskrueger to adjourn the monthly Town Board Meeting at 9:28 pm.  Motion carried.

Respectively Submitted,
Rebecca L Meyer
Town of Reedsburg Clerk 

Reedsburg Area Ambulance Service Commission Meeting, March 10, 2020
Assistant Chief Phil Raupp ran the meeting in place of Director Josh Kowalke, who was in attendance at the Center for Domestic Preparedness for Healthcare Leadership for Mass Casualty Incidents training sponsored by FEMA in Anniston, Alabama]

The meeting began with a call to order, roll call, and certify compliance with Open Meeting Law.  After the approval of the agenda and the minutes from the January meeting, the financial statements were reviewed and approved.  The monthly report was presented.
COVID19 was discussed at length and paramedic Ben Wolter did a briefing on the details at the current time and his professional knowledge and master’s degree work at UW Madison in the advanced sciences.
The meeting closed with adjournment and the Commission members in attendance toured the newest ambulance to the fleet, Ambulance 512 that recently arrived and is in service.  Paramedic Ben Wolter gave a detailed introduction to the inside and outside of the vehicle, demonstrating the power-lift cot.

Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca M. Klitzke

Reedsburg Area Ambulance Service Commission Meeting, May 12, 2020
[Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, this meeting was conducted in a virtual manner]

The meeting began with a call to order.  After the approval of the agenda and the minutes from the March meeting, the financial statements were reviewed and approved.
The land acquisition update was presented and the DNR did not like the appraisal that was performed, although they had recommended the appraiser.  They will move forward by performing their own appraisal at their own cost.
The Budget Committee was appointed and will meet prior to the July meeting of the Commission.  The election of officers was tabled to the next meeting with hopes that the Commission will be meeting in person and conduct the election then.
Director Kowalke presented his monthly report noting that due to COVID-19 there have been fewer calls and all of the training has been done virtually.  He also stated the resignation of one EMT.  There will be less income due to the reduced number of calls but there are no projected numbers at this time.
President Luther commented on the amazing tribute to health care workers that the Wisconsin Air National Guard put on earlier in the evening with their fly-over of the Reedsburg hospital/area.  She also thanked the Ambulance Service for the transfer that they did for her father to the UW.  Ron Churchill echoed her thanks in regard to the call they responded to for his son.
The meeting closed with adjournment.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca M. Klitzke

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