Board Meeting Minutes for 08-12-2020
Approved Minutes
Town of Reedsburg
Wednesday, August 12, 2020 @ 7:30 Pm
Town Board Monthly Meeting
PRESENT: Chairperson-Carl Mundth, Supervisor I-Ervin Borleske, Supervisor II-Paul Grosskrueger, Clerk-Rebecca Meyer, Treasurer-Linda Borleske
ALSO PRESENT: Clark Thompson, David Allen, Chad Allen, Leroy Lambright, Mary Lambright, Larry Mundth, Rebecca Klitzke, Terri Connors, Dennis Connors
- Town Board Monthly meeting Called to order at 7:30 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance
- Clerk Meyer certified that the meeting met the criteria of open meetings law by being published on the town website and posted on the door of the town hall.
- Agenda was reviewed. Motion made by Supervisor Grosskrueger, seconded by Supervisor Borleske to adopt agenda. Motion carried.
- The Minutes were read from the July meeting.ď€ Motion by Supervisor Borleske, seconded by Supervisor Grosskrueger, to approve minutes with minor changes. Motion carried.
- Anyone wishing to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda. David Allen needed a CSM signed. Terri Connors remarked on the election
- Plan Commission Chairperson Linda Borleske gave an update on Plan Commission meeting. There was a Plan Commission meeting in July for Leroy Lambright and a home based business of plastic cabinets. Chairperson Borleske reviewed the 2018 bike route and noted that signs will start going up soon. The next meeting would be August 24th if there is anything for the agenda.
- Leroy Lambright @ E5294A Herritz Road for a home based plastic cabinet business that work nicely in high moisture areas. Leroy will be the assembly person, he would order them in pre cut sections. The business would take place in his garage. Chairperson Linda Borleske reviewed the CUP Plans for the home based business. The Plan Commission has recommended approval to the Town Board. Motion by P. Grosskrueger, seconded by E. Borleske to approve the home based business. Motion carried.
- Larry Mundth discussion of over assessment reimbursement from 2018. Larry commented that at the meeting last year there was support for a reimbursement and he would like to revisit the situation to see if there is still support for a reimbursement of $1,103.88. Treasurer Borleske reviewed payments from the past 5 years. Discussion from the Town Board about the over assessment of $220,000. This over assessment of town portion of a $1.32 mill rate per $1,000 of value. This would equal $288. Chairperson Mundth would like to make a suggestion that Holloway appraisal is half responsible as long as the property owner assumes half of the responsibility as well and as a town board we should not be setting that precedent. This would be a take it or leave it offer. Holloway appraisal would reimburse the Town of Reedsburg for 50% of the over assessment and the Town of Reedsburg would reimburse Larry Mundth $144. This would be a shared responsibility between Holloway appraisal and Larry Mundth. Motion by E. Borleske, seconded P. Grosskrueger, to reimburse Larry Mundth $144 that will be paid to the Town from Holloway appraisal. Carl Mundth abstained from voting. Motion Carried.
- Discussion of Budget vs. expected expenses for remainder of year for additional roadwork projection. Clerk R. Meyer figured the Town could spend an additional $15,000 on road work but that might be more depending on what our August settlement is. If the August settlement is 78% more than last year then $26,000 extra road work can be done as budgeted. We have received sealed bids from Fahrner and one from Scott Construction. Fahrner Bid - LaValle street emulsion = $17,642.00 for 1/2 mile. South Slope = $1850. $19,492. total from Fahrner. Scott Construction bid - LaValle Street emulsion = $13,716, south Slope - $1,999, Total - $15,715. Motion by P. Grosskrueger, seconded by C. Mundth to approve Scott construction to do the work requested. 2-Yay, E. Borleske - Nay. Motion Carried.
- Discussion took place about Town Hall Window repairs and next priority project. Replacement window schedule will be end of September. Craig Douglas from Beaver Glass is working on the Focus on Energy. Treasurer Borleske has received the Focus on Energy grant for the lights. Discussion on what needs to be improved next. Paul Grosskrueger recommends Flooring to be the next improvement but not until 2021. Ervin Borleske recommends the remaining two garage doors to be replaced. Chad Allen will work on giving us a bid for the two garage doors and we will recruit another bid from Country Side overhead Doors - Horkan on Bass Road. Clark will contact them.
- Town of Reedsburg Nuisance Ordinance was discussed. Ervin did some research and found our ordinances from 2008. The Town Board does have town powers and there is a residential unit that has a problem with excessive junk on the Martin Koenecke property at E5492A Old Ironton Rd. This is in the extra territorial zoning area. The city ordinance reads that a notice is sent to property owner, if nothing is done Peterson is notified to pick up the debris at the owners expense and will be placed on their property tax bill if it not paid in full. If there is a change to the ordinance we will have a public hearing.
- Assessor report - Nothing at this time
- Ambulance report - written by Rebecca Klitzke, read by R. Meyer
- Highway report given by Clark Thompson
- Old Loganville is done and came in under budget
- The culvert on Fish pond is complete from Zobels
- Hartje Lumber bill is incorrect.
- Lady from the DOT called and would like to be at the hall on Wednesday, October 21 for Voter Registrations ID’s regular hours
- Building Inspector Report: Building permits issued by GEC - by Clerk Meyer
- Alex Acker @ E7120 Mile Rd for an Ag Shed
- Randall Woodworth @ S3463A Hwy 23 for replacing siding
- Art Biesek @ S2533 Gold Rush Ct for a Manufactured home
- Supervisors and Chairperson Reports:
- P. Grosskrueger - Supervisor I
- Already went over Focus on Energy stuff
- E. Borleske - Supervisor I
- WTA Sauk County Unit Meeting is coming up and 6 ft social distancing and face coverings are encouraged
- Received a text message from the DNR regarding a worker that was at an experimental location and he discovered a highly invasive Japanese tuft grass weed and it usually is on trail edges and stream bank lines. They don’t want it to get out of hand. If you have these type of weed please let Ervin know about it.
- Asked about Routes to Recovery Grant
- C. Mundth - Chairperson
- Issued a fireworks permit for an upcoming event that is a secret surprise for the requestors daughter in early September.
- P. Grosskrueger - Supervisor I
- Clerk Meyer presented Monthly Bills to be paid. Motion made by Supervisor Grosskrueger seconded by Supervisor Borleske to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.
We have received notice that there will a deposit in the amount of $1,766.51 for the Routes to Recovery Grant. - Treasurer Report: Given by Treasurer Borleske
Deposit - $4,583.20 (2% Fire Dues)
Deposit - $6.24 (Computer Aid)
Deposit - $7,625.68 (July State Shared Revenue)
Deposit - $538.00 ($270 - Focus on Enery, $200 - cemetery lot, $68 - building permits)- Plan Commission: August 24 @ 7:30 pm.
- Town Board meetings: Sept. 14, Oct. 12 & Nov. 9 @7:30 pm
- Public Equip testing: October 24 @ 11 am
- EARLY VOTING DATES: Sat. October 24 from 10am - 2pm, Tues, Oct 27, Wed, Oct. 28 and Thur, Oct 29 from 5pm - 7pm
- Election Dates: November 3 from 7 am - 8 pm
- Received a phone call about a hall rental on August 22 for a baby shower about 25 people. Someone called yesterday and they are coming to look at it tomorrow night for another hall rental.
- Anything else reasonably related to the agenda.
- Motion by Supervisor Borleske, second by Supervisor Grosskrueger to adjourn the monthly Town Board Meeting at 9:42 pm. Motion carried.
Respectively Submitted,
Rebecca L Meyer
Town of Reedsburg Clerk
Reedsburg Area Ambulance Service Commission Meeting, July 14, 2020
The meeting began with a call to order. The agenda, minutes from the May meeting, and the financial statements from May and June were reviewed and approved.
The election of the commission officers took place and the President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer were all re-elected to serve another term.
Director Kowalke presented Save Awards that were from February and March 2020. The first instance was an individual whose pulse was restored and was transported to the hospital and then onto a Madison hospital. The individual lived for three days which provided time for the family to spend with the person. The second situation was at a local factory where the individual had no pulse and was not breathing; however, the responders regained life and the person was med-flighted and is alive and well today.
The commission approved the 2020-2021 Ambulance Budget. The budget proposals included:
The purchase of a new ambulance which is part of the Fleet Management Plan
CAD Field Ops (a computer aided dispatch system) that will work with both the local police department as well as the county dispatch and provide assistance with navigation, call details and other pertinent information; the system includes iPads, keyboards, and mounts
Implicit: a software system that includes human resource management, training management, scheduling, and a patient care reporting system all combined into one software system
TEMS gear: two medics from the Reedsburg Ambulance would be part of a county-wide team and they would be Tactical EMS Medics for the Sauk County Emergency Response team; these individuals would need training and special equipment to perform with the team (including a ballistic vest, helmet, gas mask, and other gear)
New locks in the ambulance garage
Increased ambulance rates
Director Kowalke presented his monthly report which included the resignation of one part-time employee. He also informed the group that State Senator Howard Marklein spent the day with the Ambulance Service shadowing the employees. The Ambulance Service is doing Covid testing on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-12 and the turnout has been quite significant.
The meeting closed with adjournment.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca M. Klitzke