Board Meeting Minutes for 11-09-2020
Approved Minutes
Town of Reedsburg
Monday, November 9, 2020 @ 7:30 Pm
Budget Hearing and Town Board Monthly Meeting
PRESENT: Chairperson-Carl Mundth, Supervisor I-Ervin Borleske, Supervisor II-Paul Grosskrueger, Clerk-Rebecca Meyer, Treasurer-Linda Borleske
ALSO, PRESENT: Clark Thompson, Terri Connors, Rebecca Klitzke, Chad Allen
- Town Board Monthly Meeting Called to order at 7:30 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance
- Clerk Meyer certified that the meeting met the criteria of open meetings law by being published in the Reedsburg Indy, on the town website and on the door of the town hall.
- Agenda was reviewed. Motion made by Supervisor Grosskrueger, seconded by Chairperson Mundth to adopt agenda. Motion carried.
- The Minutes were read from the October meeting. Motion by Supervisor Borleske, seconded by Supervisor Grosskrueger, to approve minutes with minor changes. Motion carried.
- The Minutes were read from the Special Meeting on November 2. Motion made by Supervisor Borleske and seconded by Supervisor Grosskrueger to approve the minutes as read. Motion Carried.
- Anyone wishing to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda. No one spoke.
- Regular Town Board meeting recessed at 7:48pm
- Budget Hearing called to order at 7:48 pm
- Presentation and discussion of the Town of Reedsburg 2021 Budget
- Budget Hearing adjourned at 7:59 pm. Motion by Supervisor Borleske, seconded by Supervisor Grosskrueger to adjourn the Budget Hearing. Motion Carried
- Regular Town Board Meeting reconvened at 7:59 pm.
- Motion by Supervisor Grosskrueger, seconded by Chairperson Mundth to adopt the 2021 budget. Motion carried.
- Discussion on town hall floor colors.
- R2R Grant discussion on submission for town hall floor.
- Open sealed bids for Insurance. We received two bids. First bid from Rural Mutual Insurance quote on workman’s compensation is $2,916, Business Owners Policy proposal is $7,906. Grand total of $10,822. Second bid from Lichte Insurance quote on workman’s compensation is $2,407, Business Owners Policy proposal is $5,865. Grand total of $8,272. Motion made by Supervisor Grosskrueger, seconded by Chairperson Mundth to accept the Lichte Insurance Bid at $8,272. Supervisor Borleske abstained from voting. Motion carried.
- Election results are as follows: We had 717 voters, 353 were absentee / early voters, we had 760 voters registered as of 10/28, We had 52 new registrations.
- Plan Commission Chairperson Linda Borleske gave an update on Plan Commission meeting. There was not a Plan Commission meeting in October. The next meeting was going to be November 16th for wedding barn however, it would be a new building and would have to rezoned so the meeting is postponed. The next meeting would be December 21st if needed.
- Assessor report – Noting to report.
- Highway report given by Clark Thompson.
v Hartje quote for two outside tires on snow plow truck is $1,067.10 installed. Approved by consensus
v Sand has been delivered.
v Met about the culvert by Dave Paces to cut back damaged part of culvert.
v Last year the sander was fixed to get through last winter. Called Monroe Truck Center to get a quote of $14,460 for a new slide in sander. Augers are an additional $3,047 the grate is $1,544. Otherwise there is a chain option that we have always used.
- Building Inspector Report: Building permits issued by GEC – report given by Clerk Meyer
v None to report this month
- Supervisors and Chairperson Reports:
❖P. Grosskrueger - Supervisor II
•Submitted the windows to focus on energy. Windows are difficult to get reimbursements for. Windows should be replaced before the floor.
❖E. Borleske – Supervisor I
• Received postcard for Town Association meeting that is on the 19th of November in LaValle.
❖C. Mundth - Chairperson
•Interesting phone call from a resident on CTH H regarding the draining of the city water tower through his property.
· Clerk Meyer presented Monthly Bills to be paid. Motion made by Supervisor Borleske seconded by Supervisor Grosskrueger to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.
· Treasurer Report: Given by Treasurer Borleske
❖Deposit - $640.63 – ($230 – Hall rent, $57 – Dog list, $114 – Veterans Graves, $239.63 United Co-op Dividend).
❖Plan Commission: December 21.
❖Town Board meetings: Dec. 14, Jan. 11 & Feb. 8 @7:30 pm
❖The garbage and recycling calendar was received today that will go in with the taxes.
· Anything else reasonably related to the agenda. Clerk Meyer reported about the rescheduling of Early voting due to having COVID-19.
· Motion by Supervisor Grosskrueger, second by Chairperson Mundth to adjourn the monthly Town Board Meeting at 10:05 pm. Motion carried.
Respectively Submitted,
Rebecca L Meyer
Town of Reedsburg Clerk