Plan Commission Meeting Minutes for 02-24-2020

Approved Minutes
Town of Reedsburg
Plan Commission Meeting
Monday, February 24, 2020 @ 7:30 pm

PRESENT: L. Borleske, C. Mundth, R. Meyer, D. Allen, J. Dietz, M. Wuest,
Also Present:  Mark Zobel, Zack Zobel, Ed Zobel, Ervin Borleske, Paul Grosskrueger

  1. Plan Commission meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. R. Meyer certified that the open meetings law has been met for the Plan Commission meeting.
  3. Motion made by M. Wuest, Seconded by J. Dietz to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
  4. Motion made by M. Wuest seconded by D. Allen to approve the December minutes.  Motion carried.
  5. Plan commission meeting recessed at 7:31.  Motion by M. Wuest, seconded by J. Deitz. Motion carried
  6. Public Hearing called to order at 7:31
  7. Public Hearing for Ray Zobel & Sons Inc. Special Exemption Permit application to authorize the continued operation of a non-metallic mining site, one acre or greater and a non-metallic mining reclamation permit.  The quarry is located on the N 1/2 of the SW 1/4 and the N 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4, Section 19 Town of Reedsburg and on the E 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of Section 24 Town of Ironton. 
    The permit is good for 5 years. There is a bond with Rural Mutual for a reclamation permit.  They are required to follow state statues 7.060(2) and have done so the past 28 years. Sauk County Highway department has sent a letter to recommend approval of the Special Exemption Permit.  
  8. Public Hearing adjourned at 7:42. Motion by M. Wuest, Seconded by J. Dietz. Motion carried
  9. Plan commission meeting reconvened at 7:42.
  10. Discussion on Ray Zobel & Sons Special Exemption Permit.  Motion made J. Dietz, seconded by C. Mundth to recommend approval of the Zobel Special Exemption Permit to Town Board on March 9.  Motion Carried.
  11. CSM for David Allen for a Planned Rural Development (PRD) of 1.96 acres at S3993 Grote Hill Road to separate off the house and outbuildings.  Motion by M. Wuest, seconded by J. Dietz, to recommend approval of the CSM to Town Board on March 9.  David Allen Abstained. Motion carried.
  12. David Allen for a Planned Rural Development Preservation Area Easement (PRD) of 33.04 acres.  Motion by C. Mundth, seconded by M. Wuest, to recommend approval of the PRD of 33.04 acres to Town Board.  David Allen Abstained. Motion Carried.
  13. Commission members updates - L. Borleske - Nothing at this time; David Allen - Nothing at this time;  C. Mundth - Nothing at this time; M. Wuest - Nothing at this time; J. Dietz - Nothing at this time.
  14. Next Plan Commission meeting is set for Monday, March 23 @ 7:30 pm if there is anything to be discussed.
  15. Motion by C. Mundth, seconded by J. Dietz to adjourn meeting at 8:00 pm. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted, 

Rebecca Meyer   /  Town of Reedsburg Clerk /

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